tracking pixel
Abu, Iago, and Genie
Abu, Iago, and Genie

3 Wishes

3 Wishes, with 3 models. Our new set includes Abu, Iago, and Genie in his Itty Bitty Living Space.

Hotter than hot in many good ways, grab a carpet and fly to an Arabian night!

If you're a fan of Aladdin and or a "diamond in the rough" yourself, be sure to print our favorite companions! Should we make more? Perhaps the Scarab, the key to the cave of wonders? What about Jaffar's lamp? Should we all have swords?! How about some Dead Sea Tupperware?

You're guy's support is skyrocketing us up the leaderboard! It means a "whole new world" for us ;)

They are available now so go download and like them!


Grab your very own Abu, a companion who’s not only adept at escapades but also a true friend. Don’t miss out—just like Genie’s Tupperware, this deal won’t last forever!


Polly want' a cracker? Ever wished for a sidekick with sass and smarts? Iago’s your bird! He might squawk a bit, but he’ll always keep you entertained. And unlike Genie's "everlasting batteries," Iago's charm never fades.


"No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait! This is no ordinary lamp!" It might look small, but the magic inside is PHENOMENALY COSMIC. Trust us, this is one model you’ll want to show off.

Have fun with this one! I can't wait to hear all your tales and adventures. Connect your Thangs account to Discord and jump in our server so we can chat and hang out. Join us live in the Pixel Workshop and Chat with us while we sculpt out our next models!

🐒 🦜

