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Knit Knot

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Knit Knot 3d model
Knit Knot 3d model
Knit Knot 3d model
Knit Knot 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
415 Likes472 DownloadsJuly 22, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

A knitted trefoil knot. A knit knot knick knack.

See here for video:

This design is sponsored by Resins3D. Models shown are printed on an Elegoo Saturn 2 with Phrozen Dental Study white resin.

NOTE: The Lychee file that I used for slicing this model is also included for use as a reference. The file is not guaranteed to work for your particular printer and material setup, but it might serve as a starting point!

AI generated description:

"This is a 3D model named 'Knit Knot Knick Knack' available on The model represents a charming and creative interpretation of the aesthetics of knot designs, resonating the essence of a knit pattern. It is intricately crafted that manifests a convoluted, circular knot resting on a rectangular base. The twisted and looped feature of the model offers a unique visual appeal and dynamism, demonstrating the beauty of the complexity. Ideal for decor enthusiasts, the 'Knit Knot Knick Knack' model can be 3D printed and used as a tabletop decor artifact or paperweight. If you're interested in modeling complex geometric patterns, or want to enhance your 3D printing collection, this model is a great choice. It can prove to be a fun and challenging print. Download it today and experiment designing with it!"

415 Likes472 DownloadsJuly 22, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
415 Likes472 DownloadsJuly 22, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.