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Natalie C

Large Pixie Pots

Remix Model
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Large Pixie Pots 3d model
Large Pixie Pots 3d model
Large Pixie Pots 3d model
Large Pixie Pots 3d model
Large Pixie Pots 3d model
Large Pixie Pots 3d model
Large Pixie Pots - Marble PLA

Beautiful print! Thank you - 3d model
Large Pixie Pots 3d model
Large Pixie Pots 3d model
Large Pixie Pots - thank YOU ;) - 3d model
Large Pixie Pots - Crappy, crappy print, but a great model! - 3d model
Large Pixie Pots - Crappy, crappy print, but a great model! - 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
226 Likes551 DownloadsJanuary 15, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Large Pixie Pots, perfect for Succulents or anything else you would like to put in them.

They print as one model, upside-down without supports.

I have a smaller shallower version that you can download here:

Together they make a nice set :)

226 Likes551 DownloadsJanuary 15, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
226 Likes551 DownloadsJanuary 15, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.